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Volume 85 Número 2

Trabalho especial

Dissecting the pathways of tumour escape: “a question of life and death?”

Dissecando os caminhos de escape do tumor: “uma questão de vida e morte?”

Georgi Tchernev1, Pietro Nenoff2

1M.D. P.h.D. Spezialist in Dermatology and Venereology Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatologic Surgery - Kirchheim, Germany.
2Laboratory for Medical Microbiology Partnership Dr Jürgen Herrmann, Prof. Dr Pietro Nenoff & Dr Constanze Krüger - Mölbis, Germany.

Aprovado pelo Conselho Editorial e aceito para publicação em 15.12.2009. * A study was carried out in the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatologic Surgery Kirchheim, Baden Württemberg in cooperation with The Laboratory for Medical Microbiology Partnership Dr Jürgen Herrmann, Prof Dr Pietro Nenoff & Dr Constanze Krüger - Mölbis, Germany. Conflict of interest: None / Conflito de interesse: Nenhum Financial funding: None / Suporte financeiro: Nenhum Como citar este artigo/How to cite this article: Tchernev G, Nenoff P. Dissecting the pathways of tumour escape: “a question of life and death?”. An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85(2):248-59.

ENDEREÇO PARA CORRESPONDÊNCIA / MAILING ADDRESS: Georgi Tchernev. MVZ Kirchheim GmbH, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatologic Surgery, Steingaustraße 13, 73230 Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany Tel./Fax: 0049 7021 9300220 0049 70219300221 Private GSM 0049 1745814312 Email:



Apoptotic pathways are providing important saveguard mechanisms in protection from cancer by eliminating altered and often harmful cells. The disturbances of cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis are also found on specific signal-transduction pathways within the tumour cells and between these and the immune system. The article focuses attention on the evolution of the melanocytic naevi in the direction of a dysplastic or tumour cell. The determination of single molecules as prognostic parameters within cancer genesis seems to be problematic. New hopes are being placed on the treatment with TW-37, ABT-737 and TAT-Bim, which, to an extent, are able to support the programmed cell death. The clinical importance of these innovative therapies remains to be seen and should therefore, be viewed with considerable criticism.


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ISSN-e 1806-4841

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